Saturday, August 2, 2008

What are your limits?

For those that have ever got to one of my Combat RP classes, there comes a moment when I am talk how to accept capture and be sure of your limits of what happens next. Anything can happen, and just like anyone else that has come new and scared into RP, capture is something that will happen, it's only a matter of time, so easier to be prepared. I go on to tell them about the things that could get rescued before anything happens, you could end up being killed then and there, and your captor could get you back to their dungeon, and start torturing you before any rescue attempt. I ask them, what are you limits? Could you lie there and take having someone carve their name into you? Cut off your toes and feed them to you? How about when it's all over and you are barely alive, drag you to the sacrifice table and offer your blood and soul to their God/Goddess? Some of them laugh when I ask, others get squeamish....and I ask, because those are only a few things I have witnessed...and have to admit in being apart of. Knowing that....what are your limits?

This is one of those stories that starts with how it ends, or at least leads you to think this is how it ends. No mistaking it, Kelly laid on the Alter of Apos, her body tortured, and now sacrificed...her spirit, her angel now hovering and looking down on us all.'s a ghost, you aren't suppose to see it! It's bad RP!


The friendship Kelly and I shared almost crumbled into nothing with my turning. Unfriended, not even able to speak OOC with each was probably about the most heart-breaking event following my turning, to see a friendship fall for something that was suppose to be just IC. But it was more...I had always played it safe, IC wasn't it for me.

Over the weeks that followed things started cool, Kelly and I were able to talk once more, being able to draw a line between IC and OOC we could both manage with, though still hard.

Kelly came to an idea, she had to face that which she feared. Oh no! I was fighting and hiding behind what I had become, and she was ready to face what she feared. She planned it all, Stormy and Chance agreed to help with it, and in near hind-sight it might have been better if I hadn't logged on just then. But being a good little minion, I followed my King and Queen, no questions thing I could do was take orders.

Kelly told me not to worry...I did....


I was being a good little minion and following my King and Queen around. The day had come, we know what is planned, but acting like we don't. We leave the Cathedral, leaving it open for Kelly to enter without us noticing...tonight she is meant to be catch in the act of stealing a sacred scroll from the Cathedral. Half a dozen Drow now waited just outside the Cathedral...waiting. But then came the question, if we aren't inside, how are we to know if anyone is in there sneaking around. I set up my hawk to watch the land around us, and wouldn't you know, it picks up movement and someone that shouldn't be here. I send up the alarm and call out to my King that we have a have never seen so many weapons drawn at the same time! I know that both Stormy and Chance were there....Xeno was there through his magic, a few others had bows drawn, while I went with my sword as in the back of my mind I was thinking so many fighters so close together, lag was going to be eating us. You would think, that one person against so many would not last long, but Kelly and her own Hawk put up an amazing battle! Arrows flew all over, Xeno trying in vain to bind her in place, it was pure madness. I got up close, even knowing I would be hit by arrows of my own kind I had a better chance of landing hits with my sword. Her meter slowly started to sink, Xeno's spells finally took, binding Kelly in place, and as the final blows of arrows and sword landed she fell to the ground, unconscious.

By chance my sword had struck the final blow on Kelly, but I wanted no part in her torture...I begged Stormy and Chance in IM to spare me, but with so many roleplayers things moved quickly. Fingers turned to me, and my King and Queen called me forward to mark my prize. My Queen turned over her own sacrificial dagger to me so I could carve my name into her. I tried IC and OOC to get out of it, but IC was more demanding, displease my King and Queen and I share Kelly's fate...and I was evil now.

Needless to say, I happy to realise I wouldn't be the only one torturing Kelly, everyone was having a hand in it...and by then a number of other Drow had showed up to have their fun with the Royal Ranger Commander. That made me a little more comfortable as I slowly carved my name into Kelly. Xeno spelled up a giant spider, I think my King was the one that took her toes and stuffed them into her mouth....I don't think I was actually reading the rest of the torture, just focusing on getting my little part done. Much more was done, it gets gorier as it went along, as if having someone carve their name into your chest isn't bad enough, it was one of Stormy's favorite things to do. Kelly's blood was on my cloths and I watched them drag her off toward the alter, hanging onto life with but a thread. I hung back, taking myself out of range from hearing any more. It wasn't long till it was finally over, Kelly's angel now hovered above the Realm, free from life, safe from anything more being done to her.

That night literally tore me to pieces then. Kelly was happy though, despite it all and her fears, she came out better in the end. I would cry, and she would tell me its okay, everything was fine, and I would try and believe it. It was something we were both glad in the long run, that it had turned out the way it did in the end, and had been something we did together. It's still troubling at times when we talk and we flash back to the night of her torture, but in the long run, that night changed us each for the better.

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