Friday, August 8, 2008

Birth of a Dark Human

Things were actually going well for me, I had grown close to Stormy and Chance. Geroff had stepped down and left Everwind, and at Park's request Stormy and Chance had offered me rank of Dark Sage Ranger in his place. I joined Stix, and Winkie among those second only to our Dark King and Queen.

Then my reason, my poison for being a Drow vanished and I was left wondering what more there was left for me here in Everwind. I was crushed and broken, and my friends were left to help pick up the pieces. I nearly left SL completely, I started seeing things I hadn't before and wondered why I had been so blind.

My friends and my roleplay were all that kept me going. I renewed friendship that I thought I had lost, but they had only been waiting in the shadows. I consumed myself in my own character RP...the Drow that was me, was dying, my reason for being was gone...I was free!

I was dying!

Over the next couple of weeks I let my character weaken, as I struggled to figure out what to do next. I didn't HAVE to be dark anymore, but I had grown close to those around me, I also loved Stormy and Chance to death, and they had been a key to my strength as my world crumbled around me.

I had a choice to make, the Drow was dying, how would she be reborn?

Stormy confided in me then that her and Chance would be stepping down in a matter of months, they had a huge roleplay revolving around their fall from the Dark Throne and being replaced. I knew then that if they were leaving I probably would too, but till then, I was going to stay by their sides and rock the Dark Valley till the bitter end.

With the aid of Stix and his Cleric power I was saved and cursed. The Drow I had become was banished, but Apos still held onto my soul. I would remain a Dark Human, and serve my Drow King and Queen.

*sighs* It was good to be pale again!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were fascinating then, I remember. Poor Arthur didn't know how he could help you but he hadn't forgotten your friendship, even if you were now dark...