Thursday, June 19, 2008

Again and Again...

Even when you notice later on that things tend to happen again and again, RP has a great way of somehow repeating itself...there has to be a first time.

They say history has a way of repeating itself.....have we heard that before already? So you have to wonder when was the "first" before it could be repeated.

Poor Katlin seems to have a way of repeating death. Didn't take her long to come around to her "first".

It was the time of the Beast and the Sorceress. Several had already fallen to its horrible attacks, the first, I remember was a Dwarf. During the better part of two weeks we hunted for clues, we watched as the Beast killed our own Queen Grace and her First Sword Tar. Her spirit hovered around and tried to pass on clues beyond the grave, and as we searched we discovered that the Beast was actually a man, cursed to serve an evil Sorceress. But just as this clicked the Beast attacked again, this time with her by his side. In fear, everyone either scattered or attacked, leaving those of us that knew the truth to scream for them to "Stop!". At the height of the battle we were all trapped in the South East corner of the Realm, tight against the cliffs by the liar of the beast. Many fought, over and over, they didn't hear our calls to stop. A few started to fall...Barok, Marsha, and one other I can't recall a name. Either the Beast drew its axe through them or the Sorceress stood over them and claimed their soul.

It was chaos, those trying to fight and those trying to stop it, all caught up around this fighting pair. The Beast took me down once, but I was able to recover and kept yelling till he took me down a second time. Then I watched in horror as the Sorceress moved over me. Park tried to stop her, but it was too late, she claimed my soul along with the others..."ouch" *rubs her chest*...what did I ever do to earn such a fate? It was a very dark night, 4 more spirits took to the land.

I have to say, that it was actually fun, for the first day! Making yourself look like a ghost, and then getting to go around wailing, weeping, flying, hovering and giving out tid bits of clues. There was so much RP bubbling around from what we had to give out it was great...but we had to stay dead. Then when death was something like 10 hours or a goooood night's sleep, we were dead till the end of the plot. Now I understood why the Dwarf that was killed almost day one never returned, he was dead and locked out of RP for almost 2 weeks. By the second day I was bored, I had given out all my clues and EVERYONE knew them as work spread among the living. So I spent the better part of my day going places I wouldn't have gone to if I was alive...the Underworld for one! I had fun exploring the Underworld, how often do you get the chance to move around without the chance of being killed or tortured on sight unless you are a minion, but sadly there was no one to haunt.

It was both amazing and sad how the Realm reacted to our deaths. Park placed a cross out by the Guild Hall with my picture on it. It was a very deep and intense time to RP, you really saw another side of people and how deeply they took both their feelings for you OOC and brought in IC.

I should say that for the first part of this epic RP it rocked to be a ranger. We hunted across the land for all the clues we could find, we found out the truth first about what...who the Beast really was first. Now it was time for the Mages and Clerics to do their thing. King Slip captured the Beast, the Mages and Clerics lead the healing and we watched as the terrible creature transformed before our eyes, back to his human form, he had been a First Knight of Everwind.

A moment to laugh as he was good to leave the crowd of gawkers and take a leek in the bushes. We spirits hovered by closely, we waited to be given the word that all was done and we could come back...two days had become torture to wait and be among the living again and get to RP again. We hovered and watching, knowing our time was almost up. The Beast, now human went hunting for the Sorceress. In another great battle they fell together and were taken into a powerful magical void and were gone. POOF....we quickly got to do our return to life and joined those celebrating in the village. It was amazing and wonderful to walk up to the village, get tackled by Park and welcomed back by all the other Rangers, before getting completely blitzed on Mead at the Tavern.

It would be sometime before I repeated this venture into the afterlife, but amazing how you get use to it or at least the idea of it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember this story well. I was just a poor little hobbit, minding my own business... I arrived in the village square and noticed an eery silence. Then suddenly a spirit appeared before me, wailing, screaming... "RUN! RUN TO A TEMPLE! IT IS NOT SAFE HERE!"

Heck, you don't need to tell me twice. I scarpered so quickly to the temple of The One where I found Lukkie Sands I think, a ranger (recruit?) in hiding. That scared me so much.