Thursday, June 19, 2008
So what does one do, when the Queens of the Realm are falling ill, and a strange rock like portal opens up in the Faerie Glade? You get a stranger to take the Queens and to sacrifice the Dragon Elder, of course. Okay....what?
Well it happened, and only in Everwind...and well, it was suppose to work. Didn't turn out as planned...oops!
So what happens when you don't go through with doing what needs to be done? You get cursed! So now we have 5 BIG BAD demons running around the Realm. Now, we learned rather quickly, there was no way to killing these things, even as you did they would return 10 hours later as they already were. The more lives they took, the stronger they got...and they took lives!
With the First Knight Rath gone from the Realm on his own personal quest, and King Slip mourning the loss of his wife to this demon curse, we ran short on help. Most of the Knights fell over the days, Guild Leaders started to be plucked off, some of the best and toughest dragons met their end. *Takes a moment to remember Zeno and his horrible Demon Minion Dragon Avatar...shivers* GAH!
So how do you get rid of Demons? or even stay alive to get around to figuring that one out?
We had a wonderful voice of reason, Merrick. One of the highest ranking Mages in the Realm told us what we needed to do, we had to stay alive, to make them weak, before we could fight back. If they killed us, they stayed strong. So easy..stay alive, can't be that hard you think? Wrong! What do you do when so many want to go out and fight then listen to reason? Bodies start to pile up.
So as we stand around in the village and talk, learning that our safety might lie with the Shrines around the Realm, the Demons takes this moment to come and rain down on us.
No better time like NOW to see if the Shrines work or not. As we scatter, some stay and fight, and some would end up dying, others take to the castle to hide. Somehow, Raziel and I end up in the Shrine above the Fae Glade, with the former Elven Queen in her horrible form hissing and testing the barriers around the Shrine. I could almost hear as she dragged her claws along the opening of the Shrine, testing the spiritual field around it. In our own panic we were using the Shrine more as cover and still firing our bows at the Demons....BAD IDEA!....this we noted might anger the God or Goddess and they might lift their protection on the Shrine.
Didn't take long for people to get the word that they had to stay in a Shrine, but its hard to keep people locked up in those tiny things. Many people would wander away from the protection of the Shrine to get some space, then as one of the Demons or their new minions (anyone that was killed by one of them) came hunting, would go running back to the Shrine. Now not everyone that was killed went minion, some good hearts still remained and returned to aid us. But hey...when you get a chance to be a baddie and not have to worry about being stuck with your actions, it's just too tempting to be bad.
I look back at the War of the Demons with alot of fondness, it was a great time to be a Ranger. We ran back and forth between the Shrines, back to the village for food and water, keeping track of who was still alive to fight when the time was right. A few days is alot to ask people to sit around and be stuck in tight places, it was great RP, and always looked back to think that of all those that were lost we only lost 2 rangers, were as the Knights and Warriors, the fighters of the Realm were quickly downed and killed. I guess that can be looked at in a few ways, we aren't purely fighters, if there is another way to handle something besides picking up my bow or sword, I would rather do so.
In the end, as the Demons were lured back into the Fae Glade, and their minions hovering and fighting around us. The Clerics and Mages worked together to draw the void shut and banish the Demons. Rangers and who was left of the Warriors and Knight, took to their weapons ((RP wise that is)) and held off or downed any minions. I still remember Kelly taking out one Minion against a tree, runner her blade threw it and then apologising to the tree! And, what a night to rejoice as those fallen returned to the world of the living. A night to be a Ranger in Everwind.
It's's not it?
Doesn't mean I don't get carried away, I have had RP rip up my roots and my safety nets and throw me to the ground. I have been so deep into my character and into what is happening, my heart go wild, my fingers can't keep up with my thoughts and actions, I feel like I'm falling, and its not that I'm afraid, far from it, I'm thrilled and I want to keep falling cause it feels like I'm flying.
Then there are times that just roll over me and leave me gasping, wondering how on earth ANY keeps this from slipping OOC.
There have been times I have scared myself. I lost my footing once, walking around the rim of the underworld, just as Jacko had placed the Ranger Quest. We knew one of the pieces was hidden in or around the underworld, as I searched, I lost my footing and fell. Next thing I know I'm standing in the swamp, running through rocks that aren't solid, and cliffs too steep to climb. I had seen Drow head down into the Underworld and now I just wanted OUT! The Underworld was build so it wasn't easy to get in or out, only one clear path in, and finding it when you are in a panic is almost impossible. ((note this was when I was still fairly green, new to my title of Lt. and I hadn't yet met Samo or his bow, so my fear was solely on the Drow and Orc and not this Dark Human))
I escaped unharmed, all but my heart, that had been left somewhere behind me...I still remember how shaken I was. I look back and have to smile, at how scared I was, and think now how I have little fear to walk into an Underworld and spend hours searching for lost Druid items and care not if a Drow walks up behind me.
But that moment had been just my own mind working against me. How about an RP that just makes you want to RUN! How about a moment as you are watching a ritual sacrifice take place, and it all goes wrong? and instead of locking the portal and rid the Realm of the darkness consuming it, instead you bring forth the most horrible and terrible of all Demons to stalk the Realm? How about as you watch in horror as they take to the sky, as everyone scatters, and you are fighting to protect those that have fallen, and then you stand, and its quiet, till you feel something hot and sticky drip down from above you, brush past your face as it falls and soaks into your cloths. I turned my eyes above me to find a Demon, what had been the Elf Queen Dream, now hovering above me, gaping mouth and drilling drizzling down on me. If this had been a movie I was waiting for it to lunge and snap my head of at the neck, but as this was Everwind, I got a chance to run!
Frodo: You're late.
Gandalf: A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
As for a Ranger, we would never admit to being lost in the woods, we are always where we want to be. I admit I get lots in castle more often then not, the twist and turns of corridors and stairs are just mind boggling...almost as bad as an IKEA, but at least they give you arrows to follow your way out.I have made a great deal of mistakes in my time, and hopefully learned from them for the better. There was a time that I was lost, I veered off my path so badly I didn't think there was a way of coming back from it all.
The sad day I left the Ranger Guild is one I will never forget, it was the longest and saddest month of my time in Everwind as I watched my family RP and hunt and be without me. As if a Guild was a right to speak to your friends. Not only that I was buried about my eyes in paperwork. It was the first real time I had taken on the hard duties of a guild, but a guild I had no passion in. I have never claimed to be a warrior, far from it. I know how to fight, and I will if its called for, but I have rarely ever had reason to draw a weapon. But when it has come down to either me fighting by want or need or outright orders I gave it my all.
I watched as two plots spun their weave in the Realm and I sat and wrote, not able to take a moment to join those in having fun. So it was for a good cause, people look to guilds to create things for them, challenge them, guide them, be something more for them. I actually have nothing left, not even the few pictures I took to mark my path in the Warriors, trying hard to wipe that mistake from my memory, but in the long run, I looked back and learned that my mistake proved to me that I was and always will be a Ranger at Heart.
I think the day that it really struck home was during one of the smaller of the two plots, it seemed that most everyone had forgotten about the pictures that had been stolen from the Castle, everyone had been swept away to look for the the Dark Queen Stormy's necklace. A brilliant ranger and friend Arthur Ripley had not forgot, let alone, he found them! He told me later that the first thing he wanted to do was run to his Lt and tell her the news, but I was no longer in the guild or his Lt. I remember getting the whisper in IM as I sat not that far away in the Warrior's Guild Hall with half a dozen notecards filling my screen, and all I wanted to do was go and be apart of it. I felt very trapped and lost right then.
But that was enough of a kick in the butt to get my mind going, I wasn't happy, and in the long run, that is why we keep coming back.
I took my thoughts to Jacko and my heart was thrilled that he would have me back, though there was a chance I might not get my title back as Lt., I was sad over this, but I would be a Ranger again and with those I thought of as my family. Being able to wear my Ranger tag again was the best day for me yet in Everwind. First thing I did was journey to Vexxus' Tooth and take a picture, this Ranger had returned! ((Points down a few blogs to Everyone has to start someplace...))
Once a Ranger,
Always a Ranger!
Again and Again...
They say history has a way of repeating itself.....have we heard that before already? So you have to wonder when was the "first" before it could be repeated.
Poor Katlin seems to have a way of repeating death. Didn't take her long to come around to her "first".
It was the time of the Beast and the Sorceress. Several had already fallen to its horrible attacks, the first, I remember was a Dwarf. During the better part of two weeks we hunted for clues, we watched as the Beast killed our own Queen Grace and her First Sword Tar. Her spirit hovered around and tried to pass on clues beyond the grave, and as we searched we discovered that the Beast was actually a man, cursed to serve an evil Sorceress. But just as this clicked the Beast attacked again, this time with her by his side. In fear, everyone either scattered or attacked, leaving those of us that knew the truth to scream for them to "Stop!". At the height of the battle we were all trapped in the South East corner of the Realm, tight against the cliffs by the liar of the beast. Many fought, over and over, they didn't hear our calls to stop. A few started to fall...Barok, Marsha, and one other I can't recall a name. Either the Beast drew its axe through them or the Sorceress stood over them and claimed their soul.
It was chaos, those trying to fight and those trying to stop it, all caught up around this fighting pair. The Beast took me down once, but I was able to recover and kept yelling till he took me down a second time. Then I watched in horror as the Sorceress moved over me. Park tried to stop her, but it was too late, she claimed my soul along with the others..."ouch" *rubs her chest*...what did I ever do to earn such a fate? It was a very dark night, 4 more spirits took to the land.
I have to say, that it was actually fun, for the first day! Making yourself look like a ghost, and then getting to go around wailing, weeping, flying, hovering and giving out tid bits of clues. There was so much RP bubbling around from what we had to give out it was great...but we had to stay dead. Then when death was something like 10 hours or a goooood night's sleep, we were dead till the end of the plot. Now I understood why the Dwarf that was killed almost day one never returned, he was dead and locked out of RP for almost 2 weeks. By the second day I was bored, I had given out all my clues and EVERYONE knew them as work spread among the living. So I spent the better part of my day going places I wouldn't have gone to if I was alive...the Underworld for one! I had fun exploring the Underworld, how often do you get the chance to move around without the chance of being killed or tortured on sight unless you are a minion, but sadly there was no one to haunt.
It was both amazing and sad how the Realm reacted to our deaths. Park placed a cross out by the Guild Hall with my picture on it. It was a very deep and intense time to RP, you really saw another side of people and how deeply they took both their feelings for you OOC and brought in IC.
I should say that for the first part of this epic RP it rocked to be a ranger. We hunted across the land for all the clues we could find, we found out the truth first about what...who the Beast really was first. Now it was time for the Mages and Clerics to do their thing. King Slip captured the Beast, the Mages and Clerics lead the healing and we watched as the terrible creature transformed before our eyes, back to his human form, he had been a First Knight of Everwind.
A moment to laugh as he was good to leave the crowd of gawkers and take a leek in the bushes. We spirits hovered by closely, we waited to be given the word that all was done and we could come back...two days had become torture to wait and be among the living again and get to RP again. We hovered and watching, knowing our time was almost up. The Beast, now human went hunting for the Sorceress. In another great battle they fell together and were taken into a powerful magical void and were gone. POOF....we quickly got to do our return to life and joined those celebrating in the village. It was amazing and wonderful to walk up to the village, get tackled by Park and welcomed back by all the other Rangers, before getting completely blitzed on Mead at the Tavern.
It would be sometime before I repeated this venture into the afterlife, but amazing how you get use to it or at least the idea of it.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
First Meets
First person I met or at least have a solid image of is Rath. This imposing figure on his large horse, loaded with shining armor and weapons. He stood there silently, I remember him making one remark before moving on, but it was an image of authority and great respect I still have for him today.
Jacko was this bounding figure, a complete blur and seemed only in a hurry. A strange meet for the man that was suppose to be my Guild Master. I hadn't worn my recruit tag for two minutes before being pulling into a sword tournament that I ended up taking, beating him 2-1. I think he went easy on me, it was a very close match. Afterwards he took me to spend my winnings, and bought my first bow, one that I still carry this day, the Marksman.
Ryou was standing near what would be the Mage Tower, above the path leading to the forest. She had alot of fear in her, as it was a time when we had to protect the Magic and the Drow were out hunting for the other books that had been found. She then doubted her path as a Ranger and the next time I would see her she would have moved on to join the Mages.
First time I met Kelly, before she took me on my walk around the realm, was at a sudden call for help. Raiders in the Forest had weapons drawn and blocking the path through the forest. I ran as fast as I could and even beat her to the trouble. She stood back and watched, and was impressed on how I talked the raiders into sheathing their weapons and leaving without anyone getting hurt. Who would have known this would lead to a promotion?
Seat, earned a double take. As this strange red creature, okay, Minotaur, moved up beside me and started talking as if there was nothing wrong with how I might take this all in. He turned out to be quite the flirt, made me smile, and had a passion behind his character that I would deeply enjoy playing against. Through all the ups and downs in rp and sl we went through, we continue to share one of the best friendships I have found.
Hobbit and Arthur *smiles* it has been a treasure to know these cousins. I got to know him more after coming down from the Arena, he disappeared into a bush then poof...okay, bad OOC, but he comes out, short fluffy fur feet, and a mug of mead in hand. He made me smile then as he always has. Arthur was a sad and happy meet, to learn that Hobbit had left Everwind and he would be taking his place. I can't complain, seeing either one was always reason to smile, always easy to speak to and wonderful friends.
Samo was something completely different. I have told him a number of times our first meeting he scared me half to death! My first real RP and combat in Everwind, I lead a mage and squire down into the Underworld to rescue Ox. He had gone down to rescue Maya and somehow ended up in her place. Maya ran for help upon escaping and led us to the Underworld, and this would be my introduction to her. Little did I know I was about to face one of the best bows in Gor, he ended up taking all three of us out, but with his attention on the mage I freed Ox, and we all ran for it! I held a great deal of fear for him long afterwards, not to mention respect for his bow. So much has changed since then *smiles*.
Since I am sticking to mostly Rangers, I can't leave out Park. I new her long before I met her, Jacko spoke of her often, when I first met her, I was expecting a guy, she turned out to be a wonderful Elf. We ended up on guard duty at Raistin's trail, and as I was called to stand outside a glitch in my sword, (one of those first masher scripts that are never meant to be sheathed, but they make invisible) in my rush to leave and obey I ended up hitting her! Oops....amazing the damage an invisible sword can do. I went from bashing her to being her sister in RP and in the friendship we would share long after it fell.
I have a feeling I will have to come back to more of these....there are so many firsts!
Enjoy, and if you remember differently, let me know....this isn't necessarily the first time we met, its the first solid image I have of each of you.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Everyone has to start someplace...
I wonder if I had just gone for it, if I would have been drawn back to being a Ranger. Probably, my short stint to help out the Warriors didn't last long, I crawled back even then to be what I was happiest being.
Jacko was head of the guild, that was always a constant. Kelly was his Second, and Park head of the Elven Rangers. Then there was me, just another recruit wandering around Everwind.
I remember the first time Kelly met up with me, she took me to Illustree's Shrine and we started there. First thing she told me was that if anything happened, I was to run, not look back. Better if I escape and bring help then we both get captured. It was an amazing thrill, so new to RP everything felt so real and struck deep inside me.
We took a "Ranger's Path" along the western edge of Everwind, past the Elven Village, along the Rim of the Underworld. When she finally stopped to let us catch our breath we stood on Vexxus' Tooth, the highest point in the Realm. It was a beautiful sight to see, long before the Dragon Wyre claimed the skies. Dropping down to the path below we hurried past the mouth of the passage to the Underworld, past the "KEEP OUT" sign to the Faerie Glade, and into the main village. I got my first tour of the grand white stoned castle that rose before Everwind. Standing on the roof and looking out over the Realm, I fell in love for the first time. I could be happy here, and I was.
This was a time just before Guilds even got their own Halls. And we had nothing more to do then wander the land we were meant to. Many times I stood on Vexxus' Tooth and looks down in the dark swamp, and at this time, I was afraid of the Drow and or getting lost down there, let along going down INTO the Underworld...not on you life. Roleplay was real to me, and made me feel alive. ((Picture taken on Vexxus' Tooth....oh, and yes, black hair!))
This was a time when Grace and Slip were Elves *grins*, before Raistin's Trial, before the Beast and the a time when our first adventures would stir up. The first of the Epic Quests started, "The Quest to Save the Magic"....Keys, Chests, Clues, Books....we had to find them, bring them together. If Dark got their hands on it, we would have been thrown into the Light HAD to find them all. I remember finding the last lost chest, it was hidden deep in the ocean. Now, being the poor RPer I was then, I saw nothing wrong in standing under the water next to this chest, guarding it, knowing the Drow Sean (Mackie) had the key. So I was new, I made mistakes, I have to look back and smile how simple things were back then, and wonder what serious RPers thought of this newbie recruit that was only just learning what roleplay was.
I have to admit, it was a thrilling way to start, feeling the control and lack there of that comes when roleplay starts the flow. I look back and know I would have handled things much differently, but have no regrets for having fun.
Remembering Everwind
I wasn't there at the very beginning, but long enough to be thought of one of the older timers.
First time I landed in Everwind the main TP was in the middle of the Forest. We were told to put on visitor tags or accept what happened if we left the safezone. I remember the first person I met in Everwind, wandering around the forest, completely lost, I met my first Orc, February Slade, he was nice enough to warn me OOC to NOT wandering into the swamp. Mind you, I didn't listen and ended up getting that horrible creepy feeling as I wandered further in and got lost among those phantom boulders and down right scared the first time I laid eyes on the ring of stones and portal to the Underworld. Now THERE was an Underworld you should be afraid of, and dead if caught down there and not a minion.
So I get to remembering and have to post this, cause there is a small glimpse of the Everwind I remember so fondly.
In the beginning...
- Was trapped on Help Island for 3 days, ready to quit, unistall, and forget my sad attempt to discovering SL.
- 4th day I saw my first dragon avatar and was given my reason to stay and find out more.
- Finally rescued by "Lord Grey", who would become my first SL friend.
- First home would be the Elf Circle, and it was Heaven to be apart of.
- Lord Grey buys me my first set of wings and the Purple Faerie is born. ((Hunts for the all purpose blackmail picture))
Okay, stop laughing, I didn't know any better, and it was purple!
So the happy fate of anyone starting out, wandering, talking to complete strangers and of course, the all night camping and hording of lindens so you get rid of that horrible default hair!
So Katlin wasn't always the Ranger everyone got to know her to be. I did have a beginning before the fateful day she got that LM taking her first RP sim.
Some forgettable details of Katlin's life before SL:
- She use to hang out at clubs, dance, party and enter contests...most of which she won.
- Was very fond of an orbiting cage gun she would use on guys that tried to pick her up.
- Traded in her purple hair for blonde and became a "Lady" with a small following of "Protectors". ((Hunts for another blackmail picture))

Things would change very quickly for this "Lady" after arriving and hiding under the OOC/Non-Roleplaying Entity in the Realm of Everwind.