After the death of BlunderBeard there was continuing plot with pirates and a push for intersim roleplay into Algarond. After being disappointed with how the last epic ended and wrapped in my own little safe world of roleplay I wasn't interested in leaving a Realm I was comfortable in. Kelly and I were busy putting together new training for the Guild, she had also gone on to recruit and lead the Royal Rangers...we had a number of Rangers moving up within the guild as was a time of adjusting, but for the better.
I have told people that I am Katlin, she is me in every sense, if not more so, as I get to reflect more of what I would want to show through her. We are like and as difference in rl and sl, but my character through her has always been me, when I roleplayed I was just living through myself into her. This is both good and bad, good, it wasn't hard for me to roleplay, I knew Katlin and understood her...she wasn't just a character I played. Bad thing was, limiting myself to who I was meant challenges that turned my character up side down effected me deeply IC and OOC
Going "Dark" was about the worse thing and best thing I did. Bad, because I did it for all the wrong reasons, good cause in the long run it really taught me how to roleplay a character instead of living through a character.
Okay, so I made a mistake, I turned Dark because I wanted to please someone else, I put them before my own personal needs. Ouch! Kelly and I had been working so closely together it nearly broke the friendship we had into pieces. Others were so shocked over the transformation they wouldn't and couldn't believe that Katlin....I had gone Drow.
Yes proof, even I went grey and white haired once!
Funny thing was, not a week before the Drow King Chance had been trying to lure me to the Dark. OOC in IM he had been going on and on about how good it would be for me to be a minion for him and the Drow Queen Stormy. Now....I have a deep respect for Stormy and Chance and the roles they played as I did with Grace, Slip, and even Dream...they lead races, the fact that Stormy and Chance were both on my friends list made my head spin at times...I was just a simple Ranger...Lt even.
Then, I had told Chance that it was best for everyone if I stayed neutral. Little did I see I would be torn less then a week later and taking such a dive as to go against everything I had held to all this time. Not completely impossible, I have done things before for others without putting myself first and gotten hurt before. Bad reason, needs a good kick the the backside for that one, but looking back, it was the start of something beyond good, it was perfect! And I could probably get a kick in the backside for waiting so long.