Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bitter Sweet Ending

Three posts in one day....well the war between Light and Dark went on for a while, and I am on a roll.

This whole time there were to plots running around Everwind, one about the Seelie and Unseelie ghosts roaming around Everwind and another about a deep betrayal that seemed to revolve around the fate of Stormy and Chance.

IC, I knew nothing about what was going on, I was a loyal Sage, and as the war raged on I kept on fighting beside them. OOC I was torn inside, because Stormy had confided in me the truth of what was to come. Each battle I fought was leading to an ending I did not want to face.

During one of the final battles of the war the fight raged on for almost a full day, it had started somewhere in the forest and ended up on the very edge of the Dark Valley, people were captured on both sides, I was one of them.

After falling twice already in battle and finally someone had the time and wits to start binding the fallen minions, and drag us off. We already had captives back in the Cathedral being tortured, my own Head Ranger Jacko being one of even as my wrists and ankles were bound I knew it was only a matter of time till either we escaped or we were traded or rescued. But I was a little worried....with Stix gone, and Winkie barely present, I was the only active Sage for Stormy and Chance, and now I was bond and being dragged back to the village.

While the other minions kicked up a storm about being thrown in jail I was actually playing hurt and curled up on the stone floor. I actually found it very interesting to be on the other side of the bars for once, after all this time of being a minion I had finally be captured.

Above, Mordok, my captor, and me on the ground, there were three other Drow divided between the cells. I think a couple managed to escape, in the end we were traded/released. I remember Samo came to help me back to the Valley, still wounded from battle since no one bothered to really play on the fact I was laying on the ground moaning and emoting how hurt I was. My Queen healed me, but remaining in the Valley was getting to me, so I wandered out and back to the village. I am not sure what drove me back there, it might have been my parting words with Grace IC was a bitter banter of her calling me a traitor. Samo went with me again, only to find much changed in the village. Between the time of our release from the village and when I returned Grace had declared the village closed to all minions, any entering would be arrested.

Now I should mention that throughout my time of being a minion, many people took it rather hard and in some way this aided me. Most that knew me before my turning were always trying to save me, or convince others besides the fact of my deeds that I was still "good". Rath was such, as Commander and Head of the Knights in Everwind we had known each other a long time, through good and bad, and he did not want to go through with his orders. He was good enough to give us a choice, staring down on both me and Samo he would permit one of us to leave, the other would be arrested. Now I wasn't about to have Samo take my place behind bars, and I wasn't to thrilled about being placed behind bars for the second time in one day...but I wouldn't deal a fate on another I wasn't willing to accept myself. In the end I had to use my rank as Sage to order Samo to leave and take a warning to our King and Queen, and then turned to be chained and taken off again. At least Rath had the better sense of mind and had me taken to the jail cells set up in the human castle *grins*.

I remember when Kelly showed me these cells for the first time, they had been built to hold the highest of risk prisoners to King Slip and Queen Grace, hence, they had been build to hold Stormy and Chance. They had been used once before that I am aware of, during a trial of Kobo for treason. He had been held there till he had been brought to trial and sentence carried down. Now I sat in one of the two cells, tucked away from the Realm. Now, point about an RP realm is that if you force someone away from everyone else, they can't really RP, and they get bored rather quickly.

Needless to say, I was bored, but I welcomed the break from constant fighting. That night I was allowed out to enjoy the OOC Halloween Dance, and the next day came a grand rescue. Stormy and Chance led the minions against the castle to free me, and what a wonderful rescue! They swept in and up, broke the locks and passed me a weapon to fight with, and we rushed out, heading quickly back to the Valley....we had to trace our path to gather a few minions caught up in battle but we all made it back to the Valley and in one piece, it was wonderful!

But, it was short lived. The roleplay behind the Seelie and Unseelie wound down and came to an end, and Stormy and Chance would make their last stand. I arrived to find my King and Queen half out of it and speaking strange, they spoke of being fired on, but did not care. I already knew what was to come, OOC I knew they had been poisoned with a potion that would bind them to serve Queen Grace, IC I was just a Sage, confused and baffled by their sudden change in behaviour. Then came the messenger, my King and Queen had been called to the village, and I followed, helpless to do anything but to watch now. I watched as everyone gathered in the village, I watched as my King and Queen bent to the will of the potion and signed a treaty in blood. I watched in horror as Apos came down and brought her wrath upon them for their betrayal....there was little more I could do but watch.

I cried long and hard that night. Stormy and Chance had been cut from their roles and now a new Drow Queen stood in their place, and I was left trying to decide if it was worth staying and if so, what would I do next?

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